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Since its discovery, carbon dioxide has been frequently used not only in the production of soft drinks but carbonated water is used also in the medicine, in the form of carbonic acid bath.And why is it good to lie into a tub of carbonated water? Well, as we can feel it in the case of sparkling water, that the bubbles pleasantly picks our throats and nose, we can feel the same on our skin in the carbonic acid bath. These small picks dilate the surface blood vessels, improve blood circulation and improve metabolism, too. As a result, cardiac function improves, the heart rate normalizes and blood pressure becomes lower. This is why carbonic acid bath is recommended to cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, but it has a positive effect also on the various rheumatic pains and osteoporosis.


  • in the case of cardiac and vascular diseases
  • as a part of cardiac rehabilitation
  • in the case of vasoconstriction
  • in the case of osteoporosis
  • at disorders of the autonomic nervous system
  • at chronic musculoskeletal disorders